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Successful relationship

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1. Honesty
Honesty is the foundation of any successful relationship. Sometimes it could be tough to be honest, but it is definitely necessary. As the famous saying goes, love is nothing without truth.

2. Respect
We all feel hurt when being disrespected, especially by lovers. A relationship goes nowhere in absence of mutual respect.

3. Communication
Speak openly, listen truly. Differences lead to conflicts, solve them as soon as they arise, avoiding them will only make things worse.

4. Understanding
No one is perfect, accept your lovers as they are, stop expecting how they should be. Everyone has ups and downs, understand and help your lovers to go through their bad times.

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慈青体验营2011- 分享

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  1. 慈悲所到之处, 无人可挡,人人接受
  2. 陪伴他人,因为我们无法解决他人, 解铃人还需系铃人。
  3. 挫折是人生成长的·路程
  4. 学习佛陀的本性,救苦众生
  5. 为了什么忙,但心灵也要成长
  6. 想要一样东西时, 请问自己“需要”还是“想要”
  7. 静,青山无争。思,用心来活生命田。
  8. 不要小看自己, 因为人有无限可能。
  9. 心念好,愿望会实现。
  10. 碰到任何‘发生’,你有多快感恩, 你的智慧就有多深。
  11. 谦卑的表现,唯有缩小自己的人 - 尊重
  12. 爱是行动, 不是感觉。
  13. 感恩,尊重, 爱·的威力: 可以转不可能为可能。
  14. 父母是孩子最大的礼物。
A Tranquil Mind
When one mind is fickle, it is like a pond of muddy water. If we throw a pebble into this, it will make it cloudier. On the other hand, if we choose to calm down our thoughts, then wisdom will resurface to guide us.

Wisdom is like a big round mirror
We should take good care of our mind and let not it muddled with unnecessary thoughts. We must be contented, graceful, understanding and accommodating to free mind. If one practices these four values, then one'mind will be as clear as mirror, shining bright with knowledge and wisdom.

Vow as Vast as an Endless Space
To born as a human does not come easily to e able to listen to Dharma is even difficult. Thus, we must treasure our lives as human and pledge great vows to achieve better goals. Let our vows be as vast as endless space, spreading boundless have across the universe touching every living beings

Steady as Rock
Making a vow is easy but to have perseverance is tough. Almost everybody has an indecisive mind, one moment we pledge a vow, the  very next minute we have a change of heart. In the beginning , most people are deeply touches and aspired to be generous. However as time passes, the excitement fades. Now they regret the promise they made, and no longer wish to part their worldly belongings.

For Eternity

Vow must be pledged in earnest. A genius vow is the one that will overcome all challenges under any circumstances and the one will last forever.

Signifies our inner thoughts, while implies perseverance if one can adhere with these four principles, then the path to enlightenment is not as far away.
When one mind is serene and calmly, devoid of resentment and ambiguity, one would be able to make decision with right perspective. Thus enable us to understand what world really needs and how to serve the people. So let's pledge together, do what we ought to do for this world and serve man kind.

    《清净。大爱。无量义》音乐手语剧 - 感想

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    My first encounter with innumerable sutra performance is on 18 December 2010 in Johor Bahru. Without any knowledge, I reach my hometown to help out in “Lu Xiang Zhang” Event. Then only I realise it was a big event that preach the innumerable of sutra. What amazed me the most is the effort and cooperation between Tzuchi organisation.

    Usually Dharma was preach as Dharma talk or listen to CD. While this musical performance is really unique and interesting. All the performers need to keep their 10 precepts and be vegetarian for 108 days. Weeks after weeks of learning and practices among the performers to understand the sutra and apply in life. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu for all the efforts and compassion.

    During Johor Bahru tour, my parent got the chance to watch and see the show. I was great to hear my dad appreciate the show. My dad been a good dad that fetch us back and forth to Sunday Dharma school. However, his fate with Buddhism was not yet ready. Thus, I felt gratitude when he able to listen and watched the show from beginning to the end.

    While I was able to watch the complete performance of innumerable sutra is in Ipoh tour. We, tzuqing got the chance to watch our senior from Perak to perform. In the end, I was so touched and cried a few time. Reason is the story shared by Huang ShiGu is so touching. A mother love was boundless. Nothing can compare to a mother love. Yet she need to accept and learn to let go of her son death. The journey to recover was tough. However, with the love and help from Tzuchi members, she was able to stand up again. In return, She use her experience to help others too.

    My purpose to join in sign language group is to continue to spread this love and compassion to others. A mother lost her son and  my best friend lost her dad let me understand one lesson. Life is full of uncertainty but death is certain. Therefore, I do not regret to join sign language group.

    So my happy “suffering” journey start here. There were a few lessons i learned as listed below:-
         Less complain.  transportation was provided, food was provided, our teacher was giving her 200% efforts to teach us. Ask yourself do you dare to waste this effort? Do you feel the hard work of others?
         Coordination between 5 senses. First listen to the songs, second learn the sign language, third learn the foot steps, forth learn each layout pattern, fifth entry and exit. All this was learn in 4 months duration. The key for the success is focus and concentration. Understand the meaning of the sutra thus a beautiful performance will be presented
         Time management. Everyone of us come with different background. After work, we do not rest. We use that time for learning sign language. Weekend was spent to improve the coordination between members. Thus I learn to manage my time well.
         Apply dharma in life. Everyone do this voluntary. We did it happily. I learn to be more considerate and tolerance. “Format” the big “I” in oneself and put yourself in other people shoes. Step back you can see the whole picture. Thus, temper can be calm down as soon as possible
         Flexible Nothing more interesting when come to uncertainly. One thing i found out in Tzuchi was we are very flexible, accept the changes and quickly find solution. During our first performance (Saturday 10 September 2011), “Da De” (audiences) were in the hall out of schedule. candles was lighted by audiences themselves, van almost been stolen. Shi Gu looked at all this matters with a great heart and optimism. Solution just came up instantly.

    Ganen. I have this chance to be involve in this performance. Sadhu sadhu sadhu May all beings be well and happy
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