Travel like the local is our family travel's motto. This travel spirit has been passed down from my dad to me. That is why I wish to write about our ecology cycling trip in Baihe village.
4:00pm We check in Grand Uncle's House. This home stay is surrounded by lotus plantation. The room has a beautiful view to oversee lotus pond.
4:30pm We choose our bicycle and wait for Mr. Teo, tour guide of the trip.
This is Mr. Teo. He is the tour guide and owner of Grand Uncle's House. He been awarded as one of the best ecology tour guide in Taiwan too. At first rest point, Mr. Teoh explained the agriculture demographic at this rest place.
There are many children in this ecology tour. Mr. Teoh encourages the parent to let the children to play around this area. While the children are playing, Mr. Teoh continue to explain the different dams in this village.
林初埤木棉花道 |
During the late 1980, railway was built to transport sugar cane. As the sugar cane production cost increase, the farmers reduce sugar cane production and change to rice or lotus plantation. The train service for this area shut down too. In recent year, Taiwan government remove the railway and mended the path into cycling path. Cyclists can have a safe path to cycle around this village.
One of the largest dam for plantation.
Mr. Teoh is joking with the children while waiting for us.
The journey ended at another big dam. There are total seven dams for agriculture at this district. We rested for 20 minutes before cycling back to home stay. I do not manage to capture the journey back to the home stay due to heavy rain fall. I also faced the worst nightmare that every photographer face. My camera battery went flat. O.O I brought 2 cameras and 3 batteries for this cycling trip. All went flat at the same.
This cycling trip is the most memorable trip in my Taiwan Itinerary.
- Try to bring a Chinese speaking friends along
- Stay at Grand Uncle Homestay to enjoy back to nature experience
Check out Mr. Teoh's interview on the ecology tour in BaiHe Village.
Post by Ler Travel Diary.
Grand Uncle's House
by LerLer Chan

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