1.50 pm Depart from lcct to HK
5.30 pm Arriving at HK
7.30 pm Reach Dragon hostel at Mongkok
8.00 pm Went for dinner
8.30 pm Went shopping at women street 女人街
11.00 pm Sleep
27/10/2011 Thursday
7.00am Pack polo bun and egg tart from Kam Wah Cafe
8.00am Visit Huang da xian 黄大仙
9.00am Visit Star Avenue星光大道 , Art Galery, 1881 heritage, the penisula半岛酒店, SOGO at Tsim Sha Zui 尖沙咀
11.00am have the most expensive lunch at Yung Kee 香港鏞記酒家
1.00pm reach Tong Chung for cable car
3.00pm Visit Big Buddha
4.00pm Shopping at Citygate outlet
6.00pm Take Peak tram to the peak
8.00pm watch the symphony of light
10.00pm sleep
28/10/2011 Friday
7.00am Wake up
10.00am Reach TIm Ho wan Dim sum
11.45am waited for 1 hour 45 mins just for the dimsum
1.00pm shopping for tibits at some nearby shops
2.00pm take 'tang tang' bus at central
3.15pm reach 跑马地
4.00pm shop around time square
5.00pm lam gui fang
6.00pm Shopping at SOGO
8.00pm watch symphony of light from tsim sha zui
10.00pm sleep
5.30 am Wake up and take a bath
7.00 am Went for Breakfast at Kam Wah Cafe 金华茶亭
9.00 am Depart to airport express
10.15 am Reach Airport
11.10 am Boarded airplane (almost lost it)
3.30 pm Reach LCCT
6.00 pm reach home
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